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Witch's Brew - liquid core single d20

$39.00 USD

You’re used to being underestimated. It’s beneficial, if annoying, to be dismissed for your size and youth and general good grooming. It’s clear these bandits didn’t expect much of a pair of halfling twins. Their mistake. You rush at them, axe carving your attackers down, ducking when your twin calls for you to. Just over your head a bright yellow-blue bottle arcs dangerously, and you jump back, knowing the explosion to come. Their grin meets yours as the acid seeps into open cuts and burns. They reach for another bottle as you turn in unison to face the bandits again.

Bright magenta resin with magenta/fluorescent yellow glitter around a liquid core with the same glitter inside, inked in fluorescent yellow. You can see a video of the liquid core moving on twitter.

More photos are available on twitter @cipherdice.

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